The Maintenance Request, DA Form 2407, shown in figure 2.17, is
designed to provide maintenance information to all management levels. On
railway equipment, it is used to submit equipment improvement
recommendations (EIR), report modification work orders (MWO) accomplished,
and record maintenance requested and accomplished. The 2407, a multiple
copy form, has copies designated as follows: receipt, national maintenance
point (NMP), control, organization, and file. All but the receipt copy have
three sections each: maintenance request, work accomplished and equipment
improvement recommendations. The receipt copy has sections I and III only
with instructions for using the form at the various maintenance levels
instead of section II. On the back of the file copy are some of the codes
used in preparing the form; the complete list of codes and an explanation of
some of them are given in appendix A of TM 38750.
Figure 2.17 is an illustration of the DA Form 2407 with only section I
completed. The requesting organization fills out this section and sends the
form, along with the equipment, to the support activity. After the repairs
are finished, the support activity completes section I and returns the
equipment to the requesting agency.
As implied by the title, DA Form 24081, Equipment Daily or Monthly
Log, serves two purposes. It provides both a daily and a monthly record of
information relating to the operation of equipment. All Army diesel
electric locomotives have two 24081 forms in their log booksone for a
daily log, as shown in figure 2.18, and one for a monthly log, as shown in
figure 2.19. Each is discussed in the following subparagraphs.
a. The daily log shows a daytoday record for a month of the hours the
locomotive was operated, the fuel and lubricants added during operation, and
the number of days the locomotive was deadlined. At the end of each day's
operation, the engineman inspects the locomotive and then makes the entries
in columns a through g on form 24081. At the end of each month,
information in columns b, c, d, and h of the daily log is compiled and
entered on the 24081 monthly log. The daily log is retained for 90 days
and then destroyed.
b. The monthly log is a compilation of information taken from the daily
log. The entries on the monthly log give the total hours