theater of operations to be successful, a maximum degree of
cooperation must be maintained constantly among all agencies. The
TRS often assists other agencies in carrying out their missions. For
example, it locates rail sidings for the medical command to loan and
unload the wounded, helps in locating dump and depot sites, assists
in handling heavy lifts with locomotive cranes, and may even help to
make emergency repairs of equipment belonging to other agencies. To
draw a picture of how the services of the TRS and other agencies in a
theater of operations fit together, the remaining paragraphs of this
chapter point out the relationship of the TRS to the theater army
support command and its personnel, medical, engineer, transportation,
A major subordinate command of theater army, the theater army
Army forces in the theater and to other forces as directed. Thus,
the TASCOM commander directs combat service support operations both
within the COMMZ and between it and the combat zone. As the major
commander operating in the COMMZ, he is usually responsible for its
Five mission commands and one operating command carry out
TASCOM's mission. Directly supporting the combat operations are
these five mission commands: personnel, medical, engineer,
transportation, and materiel. Providing combat service support and
rear area protection (RAP) for units in the COMMZ is the one
operating command: theater army area command (TAACOM).
The personnel command provides general support personnel,
administrative, finance, replacement, chaplain, postal, special
services, military police, stockade and rehabilitation, crime
laboratory, and graves registration services to the theater. It
operates the personnel administration center (PAC) that controls data
and records management for the theater.