for the work needed on them; these plans are then coordinated with
the engineers who do the work.
The transportation command provides complete transportation and
movement services in a theater of operation through its motor, air,
water, rail, and other organizations; the TRANSCOM also operates the
transportation interzonal service.
The materiel command works closely with the TRS in
rehabilitating rail systems, and in making major and minor repairs on
locomotives and rolling stock. The senior railway unit in the
theater is responsible for furnishing all supplies, and obtains them
from the appropriate MATCOM depot. The theater army area command
provides direct support, except medical and ammunition, to TASCOM, to
units passing through or located in the COMMZ, and to other forces as
directed. Rear area protection in the COMMZ is also TAACOM's
responsibility. The command accomplishes its mission through area
support groups.
The United States Army strategic communications command
(theater) is responsible for constructing and rehabilitating wire
circuits needed for train dispatching and the administration of
The TRS plans this work and then coordinates with the USASTRATCOM
system, supervising its installation and repairing the radio
equipment while in use; however, the TRS operates the equipment.
Military police provide protection and security for trains and
freight while en route and in rail yards. Close coordination is
maintained between the transportation railway service and civilian
railway agencies as along as our forces are in foreign territory.