TM 55-203
mechanism, but, in the case of freight cars, the
Transfer table. A platform structure consisting of steel
lever and rod are generally made in one piece. The
girders mounted on car wheels. This platform is
short lever, which is directly connected to a
used to allocate cars to their respective repair stalls
passenger coupler, is also sometimes called an
in shops. The transfer table operates in a pit
uncoupling lever.
located along the side of a shop so that the rails [of
the table may be made to register with tracks
Underframe. A framework which receives buffing and
leading to the various stalls.
pulling stresses and carries the weight of the floor
and body of the vehicle.
Tread (of a car wheel). The exterior cylindrical surface
of a car wheel next to the flange which comes in
Universal valve. A valve mechanism used with UC
contact with the rail.
passenger brake equipment which corresponds in a
general way to the triple valve in that it operates to
Triple valve (airbrake). A device which automatically
charge the reservoirs and to control the admission
performs three functions in operating the airbrakes.
of air to, and exhaust of air from, the brake cylinder.
This valve charges the auxiliary reservoir and
applies and releases the brakes according to the
Vapor regulating valve (car heating). A
valve by
varying pressures in the trainline.
the amount of steam admitted to the heater pipe is
controlled. For a more detailed description of
Truck. The general term covering the assembly of parts
operation of the valve used with the pressure and
comprising the structures which support a car body
vapor car heating system, see Vapor reservoir.
at each end (or, in the case of articulated cars, the
joint support of two abutting car ends) and provide
Vapor reservoir. Used in the pressure and vapor car
for attachment of wheels and axles.
heating system in conjunction with the vapor
regulating valve. It is placed below the blowoff (or
Truck bolster. A crossmember in the center of a truck,
drip) valve, forming an extension to it, and consists
on which the car body rests. The truck bolster is
of a spiral coil of copper piping surrounding a pipe
connected to the body bolster by a center pin, which
which forms an extension to the flowoff valve.
passes through both. Truck frame. A structure
made of cast steel in one piece to which the journal
Vent valve (airbrake). A pneumatically operated valve
boxes or pedestals, springs, and other parts are
placed in the airbrake pipe to insure quick action of
attached The truck frame forms the skeleton of a
the brake especially when the brakes are cut out on
one or more of the first cars in a train. It is also
used when cars equipped with quick-action devices
Truck side bearing (See also Side bearings). A
may be placed too far apart in a train.
attached to the top of the truck bolster and having
an upper bearing surface which comes in contact
Wainscoting. The lining for interior walls of a passenger
with a similar bearing surface fastened to the
car body. Term applies especially when paneling
underside of the body bolster
and relatively elaborate workmanship are employed.
Truck side frame. The longitudinal portion of a truck
Wainscot panel (passenger car interior). A panel under
structure on the outside of the wheels. The side
the windows between the two wainscot rails.
frame extends from one axle to the other. Journal
boxes and bolsters or transoms are attached to or
Waste. Threads of wool or cotton or mixtures of these
form a part of this frame.
into which is incorporated mechanically curled
Truck springs. The springs that carry the weight of the
vegetable fiber, often coconut fiber, to Impart to the
car body and its load.
cotton threads. The material is saturated with
lubricating oil and placed in a journal box so that it
Uncoupling lever or uncoupling rod. A rod with a bent
comes in contact with the lower half of the journal.
handle forming a lever, usually attached to the end
Sometimes called packing or dope.
sill, by which the lock of the automatic coupler is
opened and the cars uncoupled without personnel
going between them. The lever proper is the part
attached to the rod and operates the unloading
Glossary 6