TM 55-203
Figure 2-4. High-side, fixed-end, 40-ton gondola, domestic service.
explosive commodities are often transported in them.
AB brake equipment modified for passenger-train
DOT specifications are combined with specifications of
the Association of American Railroads (AAR) covering
car construction into one set of specifications, which is
b. Usage. DOD-owned passenger-type equipment
published by the DOT.
consists largely of ambulance (hospital) cars, troop
kitchen, and guard cars.
Ambulance cars are
2-8. Passenger Cars
strategically located to be used by the Surgeon General,
US Army as required in the movement of sick and
wounded personnel. Guard cars transport Army security
a. General. The underframe and superstructure
personnel when accompanying classified shipments
of passenger-type cars . are all steel or some other
over CONUS commercial railroads. Examples of these
metal of equivalent strength. Passenger train-type cars
owned by the Department of Defense have UC, D-22, or