TM 55-203
cars in interchange service. ACI labels when originally
16-1. Inspections
applied will comply with AAR label application rules.
There are two general categories of inspections which
Cyclic Maintenance Inspection. Railway
are performed on Army-owned rolling stock. One is the
rolling stock in storage will be inspected at stated
periodic and required inspection performed at
intervals in accordance with the type of storage on the
Department of Army installations by the agencies having
following schedule:
responsibility for the equipment as part of the
maintenance program. The other type of inspection is
(1) Limited storage, 6 months or less.
that performed by railway inspectors. Anywhere that
Items placed in limited storage will be inspected
Army owned rolling stock is operated, in CONUS or in
every 90 days.
oversea areas, it will be subjected to such inspections
Such cars will be inspected when received from an
(2) Standby storage, 6 to 12 months.
Army activity for movement, when delivered from one
Items placed in standby storage will be inspected every
rail line to another at connecting line interchange points,
90 days.
and at the various yards and terminals through which
they pass en route from origin to destination The details
(3) Long-term storage, over 12 months.
of inspections discussed herein are applicable to any
These items will be inspected as follows:
type of inspection that DA civilian or military car
inspectors may be required to perform.
dehumidification, every 90 days.
16-2. Maintenance
(b) Items
General. Inspection reports showing the
dehumidification, annually.
These items will have
condition of worn or damaged parts requiring repair or
humidity readings taken each week and recorded.
replacement, the extent of maintenance required, and
the record of work performed are responsibilities of the
Protective Maintenance Procedures.
individual installation car inspector. He assures by
The procedures for maintenance and preservation of
visual examination that no defects exist which might
stored railway rolling stock, both freight and passenger
affect the safe movement of a car and its contents. The
equipment, are outlined in detail for the three categories
overall responsibility for frequency of inspections and
of storage Just discussed in DA Technical Bulletin TC
maintenance policies and procedures is vested in the
14. In both limited and standby storage, car journals will
Department of Defense agency which controls,
be preserved by moving the equipment approximately
operates, or utilizes the railway rolling stock concerned.
100 feet each month. Airbrakes will be preserved by
Various forms used by Army Inspectors are discussed in
operating or actuating the brakes four or five times
chapter 17. Reports required will be prepared in
during each monthly exercising. In long-term storage of
compliance with applicable AMC directives. In oversea
cars not dehumidlfled, Journals will be preserved by
areas, such reports will be prepared as directed by the
removal of packing waste and lubricating oil, repacking
theater commander. TM 38-750, which contains general
with new waste, and saturation of journal boxes with
directives and facsimile forms required In the Army
prescribed pre-
maintenance program, is not applicable to railway cars.
Inspectors will check condition of Automatic Car
Identification (ACI) labels where applied to DOD-owned