TM 55-203
specification number are designed and authorized for
(1) Location, size, and spacing of letters
the transportation of a particular commodity only, the
and numerals will be as indicated.
name of that commodity followed by the word ONLY or
such other wording as may be required to indicate the
(2) Tank car reporting marks will be
limits of usage of the car will be stenciled on each side
placed between the horizontal bars and located as
of the tank, or jacket if lagged, in 2-inch letters. AAR
specification tank cars of classes 201A35, 203, 201A35-
W, and 203-W will be stenciled on each side in 2-inch
(3) Reporting
letters to indicate the name of the commodity for which
lightweight, and date will be as shown, except that the
the tank and its appurtenances are designed and
entire arrangement may be moved slightly to suit
authorized. This will be followed by the word ONLY or
construction of the car.
such other wording as may be required to indicate the
limits of usage of the car.
(4) The number of the DOT or AAR
specifications (preceded by the initials DOT or AAR)
(10) All DOT-103, DOT-103W, DOT104,
applicable to the tank will be stenciled on both sides of
and DOT-104W tank cars equipped with safety vents
the tank, or jacket if lagged, in letters and figures at
will be stenciled NOT FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS in 2-
least 2 inches high. The initials of the manufacturer and
inch letters on the side of the tank, or jacket if lagged.
the date of the original test of the tank will also be
All DOT-104 and DOT-104W tank cars equipped with
stenciled in letters and figures at least 2 inches high on
safety valves set to open at 35 pounds per square inch,
the sides of the tank, or Jacket if lagged, immediately
as authorized in note 3 to section 110(c)(8) of the DOT
below the specification number. In addition, the letters
tank car regulations, will be stenciled FOR VAPOR
DOT or AAR and the specification number applicable to
the tank, the initials of the manufacturer, and the date of
SQUARE INCH, ABSOLUTE, AT 1'00 F. in 2-inch
the original test, in letters and numerals at least three-
eights of an inch high, will be stamped plainly and
permanently into the metal near the center of both
(11) Cars whose journal boxes are
outside heads of the tank.
periodically repacked in conformance with interchange
rule 66 will be stenciled on the underframe or on the
(5) For cars requiring water capacity
tank of cars without an underframe. The place (railroad
markings, the water capacity of the tank in pounds will
and station), month, day, and year will be included in the
be stamped plainly and permanently in letters and
figures at least 3/8 of an inch high into the metal of both
outside tank heads, immediately below the marking
(12) Cars marked to provide information
specified in (4), above This marking, in letters and
numerals at least 2 inches high, will also be stenciled as
beams, wheels, dirt collectors, tank capacity in gallons,
shown on each side of the jacket immediately below the
etc., will be stenciled on heads of tanks, or jacket if
dome platform and directly behind the ladders, if any.
lagged, using 2 or 3-inch letters and numerals with 2-
inch spacing between words. Abbreviations will be
(6) The car number and initials will be
used; for example, NO. 15 BR BM for No. 15 brake
stenciled on underframe center sills or side sills and on
both truck bolsters.
(13) Where tank, safety valve, and heater
systems are tested on the same date, it is preferable to
tested, and stenciled in conformance with interchange
use a combination stenciling covering these tests, but if
rule 60, the initials of the road doing the work, the initials
these systems are tested on different date, individual
of the shop or station at which the work is done, and the
stenciling covering the tests may be applied.
date will be stenciled in the location shown (fig 1'5-7).
(14) The size of journals and the letters
(8) Lined tanks, which are not required to
AAR will be stenciled on trucks where lettering is not
be tested under DOT specifications, and wooden tanks
cast integral on the side frame.
will be stenciled to indicate that tests are not required
(15) The date a car was built new,
including day, month, and year will be stenciled in 2 or 3
inch characters as shown, or a badge plate will be
applied giving this information. Where car
When tank cars bearing a DOT