TI 850-02
AFMAN 32-1125(I)
1 MARCH 2000
This rehabilitation plan was prompted by reports that portions of the Fort Example railroad network were
in a general deteriorated condition and that results of the structural evaluation program indicated
structural deficiencies in several stretches of track. These conditions were confirmed by the team
performing the track assessment contained in this report.
The objectives of this report are to:
1) Document the track and roadway deficiencies found during the recent field inspection, both by type
and extent.
2) Propose corrective measures.
3) Provide cost estimates for budget planning.
The corrective work included in the plan is intended to restore the railroad network in a cost-effective
manner. Thus, not all sections of track in the network are included in the plan, and each type of remedial
work is specified only for those sections most in need. Further, corrective work is specified only to the
extent that will restore the long term function of the track. Tie replacement estimates are based on
improving tie condition to the point where installation trackage can function well for 5 years before the
next tie replacement program is needed.