1D-2. Corps Movement Control, Continued
The transportation support branch is a planning staff that integrates and
synchronizes transportation planning with all other support provided by the
support branch
COSCOM ACofS, Support Operations. This branch executes the responsibilities
vested in the ACofS, Support Operations for the movement function.
The MCC is the corps movement control organization. The MCC provides--
Corps MCC
Centralized movement control and highway regulation for moving personnel
and material into, within, or out of the corps area.
Ensures effective and efficient use of available transportation capability.
The MCC also performs transportation planning for the corps, ITV, and asset
visibility. The MCC has committal authority over transportation assets assigned
to the corps support groups (CSGs). The MCC also--
Monitors transportation use within each CSG through its MCTs.
Forecasts transportation requirements based on the commander's priorities.
Requests additional transportation assets from EAC if deployed in the AO.
Assists in the negotiation of additional transportation capabilities through HN
support agreements if the MCC is the senior movement control element within
the AO.