1C-2. Operational Level Movement Control Organizations
Operational movements require the transportation elements to focus on the
reception and onward movement of troops in the theater of operations. This
portion of the lesson describes the movement control organizations at the
operational level and their functions.
The CINC establishes a JTB to review and deconflict policies, priorities, and
apportionment's of transportation assets. The JTB is organized based upon
perceived transportation requirements. It normally consists of representatives
Board (JTB)
from the Service components, movement control agencies, and the Joint Force
Operations Directorate (J3), and Logistics Directorate (J4).
The CINC uses the JMC to control the movement of forces and their sustainment.
It is organized with a peacetime nucleus. The JMC--
Oversees the execution of theater transportation priorities.
Conducts cyclic reviews of apportionment decisions.
Acts on emergency transportation requests.
In the absence of a JTB, the JMC is the primary advisor to the theater Combatant
Commander in the apportionment process.
USTRANSCOM supports the Army's MDRD program by managing the DOD's
transportation requirements to meet national objectives. USTRANSCOM
orchestrates all transportation aspects of the deliberate planning process and
coordinates with the joint staff in the development of JOPES. The three
USTRANSCOM transportation component commands are:
Continued on next page