1A-1. Part A Overview, Continued
Regulated movements are imperative in today's Army emphasizing rapid force
projection. The regulation of transportation assets prevents congestion and
movement conflicts.
During joint and combined operations, movement
regulations are even more critical when coordinating the use of airfields, roads,
rail lines, water terminals, and inland waterways with the host nation (HN). If
any part of the transportation system cannot meet these specific movement
requirements, than that movement should not be validated, approved, or initiated.
Movements are regulated according to command priorities.
The transportation system must remain fluid by providing an uninterrupted flow
Fluid and
of traffic. Movement control must also be flexible. To ensure success, movement
control should be diverted or rerouted around problem areas. To accomplish this
principle, the transportation system must remain in tune with the intelligence
network and strive to adjust transportation operations according to the ever
Maximizing the use of the carrying capacity refers to more than loading each
Maximum use
transport vehicle to its maximum load weight. It also refers to the maintenance of
of carrying
transportation assets loaded and moving as much as the tactical situation permits
while still allowing for equipment maintenance and personnel rest. Fully loaded
transport equipment sitting idle is as inefficient as moving partially loaded
equipment. These are some guidelines for maintaining the maximum use of
carrying capacities of transportation assets:
Transport travels empty only during unavoidable scenarios.
Only those carriers necessary to haul projected loads are assigned to a
Shipments to a single consignee or are consolidated by vehicle and convoy.
Movement controllers and regulators ensure maximum effective use of
existing road networks.
Road interdiction is promptly reported.
Continued on next page