When handling long drafts of cargo such as dunnage, pipe, and
lumber, use tag lines and at least two slings.
Never place a strain on the side of a pad eye.
Condition all personnel to treat a draft as if it could fall at
any instant.
Accidents caused by failure of cargo handling gear can usually be
avoided by careful selection and use. Select the gear with care and
inspect it thoroughly for serviceability before using it. Never use
a piece of gear just because it happens to be handy.
Similar safety precautions apply in using materials handling
equipment (MHE).
The MHE consists of large, mechanically-powered
equipment used to lift, transfer, and stack cargo (cranes).
that you and your crew take the following safety precautions when
using cranes.
To avoid possible damage to the machine or injury to personnel,
the operator, or individuals in the vicinity, always check the
crane and all slings, cables, chains, and hooks before starting
an operation.
Once motion is started, ensure the crane is kept level.
Never swing a crane rapidly.
Centrifugal force can get the
mechanism out of control or even upset the crane.
Use standard signals for all operations.
Keep the boom at least 10 feet away from power lines.
Do not lift weights greater than the rated capacity of the
crane for the boom radius you must use.
Put all controls in neutral before servicing a crane or making
repairs or adjustments, including troubleshooting.
Materials which may be stored together are shown in Table 1-2 and
Table 1-3. (Both tables come from FM 55-70.)