Windham Hill before it meets No. 34. This means that the new meeting point
has to be at OG. Such a move gets the advance extra over the hill and out
of an area where it could delay the extra behind it. This move might, of
course, delay No. 34 even more. However, assume that No. 34 carries mostly
express and mail and only a few revenue passengers.
The dispatcher would
probably decide that a few minutes more delay would be secondary to the
possibility of Extra 9510 West's stalling and having to "double" over
Windham Hill--take the train over in two sections. Paragraph 2.6d describes
how meet orders are superseded. The MD meet between No. 34 and Extra 9510
West can now be advanced to RK. Once the railroad is clear between RK and
OG, Extra 9510 West should have no trouble in getting over Windham Hill.
Since the dispatcher can reach No. 34 at WD and get new train orders
delivered to Extra 4550 West at RK tower, he calls the operator at WD and
advises him to "copy a train order, East." He rings RK tower and tells the
operator to "copy a train order, West." Then he advises each operator how
many copies of the orders are to be made. Because the operator at MD has to
copy and deliver the new meet order for Extra 9510 West, the dispatcher gets
MD station on the wire also. Because No. 34 is superior, even though the
orders are to be transmitted and copied simultaneously, the dispatcher must
address No. 34 first. When all operators are ready, the dispatcher dictates
the following orders:
No. 34 Eng 222 Meet Extra 4550 West at OG Instead of RK
No. 34 Eng 222 Meet Extra 9510 West at RK Instead of MD
When dictating the orders, the dispatcher writes in the train-order
book as he reads.
He records, in this book, all stations and trains to
which the order is addressed. Each operator copies in longhand the text of
the order and inserts his particular call letters in the heading: RK, MD, or
WD. The text must be copied in its entirety. In the same sequence in which
the operators were addressed, they repeat the order from their copy.
Figures, engine numbers, and dates are given thus: Eng 345--three hundred
forty-five, 3-4-5; 14 November--fourteen, 1-4.
This form is used in
dictation and in the repeating. Read rule 206 in appendix III.