dispatcher may assist an inferior train by giving it a helping train order.
When he does, this same order restricts a superior train which is also given
a copy of the order. Similarly, a dispatcher often assists a heavy extra at
the expense of a light train of superior direction.
The single-track Elwood division, which is 137 kilometers long, is
illustrated in figure 1.1. The various stations are marked by the name of
the city or town, with the call letters of the telegraph office of each
shown in parentheses. Each office is manned by an operator who works with
the dispatcher; who copies orders and delivers them to the proper train
crews; and who reports arrival, departure, and passing times of trains.
To condense much of the information given in paragraph 1.6, a typical
example is presented.
It is explained and discussed in some detail in
subparagraphs a through g following. In addition, figure 1.1 is duplicated
in annex A and cutout blocks provided to enable you to move three trains
exactly as specified by the train orders that follow.
The oblong blocks
printed at the left of the illustration represent the three trains. Cut out
the blocks and place them as follows: No. 9 Eng 345 at Conroy; Extra 4220
East at Maxey yard; and Extra 9552 West along the line with the wording
"Wildwood cutoff."
Point the blocks in the directions the trains are
heading. When they are correctly placed, lay the entire sheet aside where
it cannot be disturbed and continue with the text.
a. Statement of problem. Assume that Extra 9552 West is ready to leave
the Wildwood cutoff and proceed over the main track toward Maxey. Number 9,
a first-class train running from Conroy to Maxey, left Conroy a few minutes
before. Some 5 minutes before No. 9 departed, Extra 4220 East left Maxey
with orders to "run extra Maxey to Conroy."
From the timetable, the
conductor of Extra 9552 West knows of the presence of No. 9 on the railroad
and that he must clear this train as specified by rule S-87.
specific orders to the contrary, it is left to his judgment as to exactly
where he is to clear No. 9. A glance at the division map in the employees'
timetable tells him that Fairview (FV) would probably be the most logical
place, for Extra 4220 East to take siding and permit No. 9 to pass. With
Extra 9552 West in the picture, the dispatcher must now enter the scene with
his train orders. Up to this point, the running orders of Extra 4220 East
authorizing movement from Maxey to Conroy and the timetable schedule of No.
9 from Conroy to Maxey have governed.