a. Sheet No. 1 is a layout of the yard in which you are working.
Spread it out on some convenient working surface where you will be
able to cut up your blocks of cars and move them as the operation
Most of the working information necessary for switching
the train on track 5 has been printed directly on the layout. This
includes the standing of all tracks at the time of the train's
arrival and the block standing on the 76-car train ordered in on
track 5.
b. Sheet No. 2 consists of four strips which are duplicate
representations of the blocks or cuts of the 76-car train ordered to
track 5. Note the numbered tabs at the bottom of the various blocks
of cars.
Cut out the four strips with the numbered tabs at the
bottoms. Be careful to preserve the tabs, because the number on each
represents the track number to which each car or group of cars will
be switched. When the strips are cut out, line them up on track 5 in
exactly the same order as the duplicate set printed on the lower
border of the layout (sheet 1).
You are now ready to break up the
Also reproduced on sheet 2 are the typical grouping area,
figure 2.1; track check converted to switch list, figure 2.3; and a
sample page of the journal showing complete yard picture, figure 2.4.
You will not be using the extension yard during this operation but
only tracks 5 through 17.
Your yard layout now shows the cars on hand and the four cuts
of the newly arrived train of 76 cars on track 5 which you will cut
and move to their proper tracks. This is directed by the yardmaster,
as shown on the switch list in figure 2.3, and reproduced on sheet 2
for ready reference.
Although you must break up your train by
switching one cut at a time, you should remember that, in regular
yard operations, this train would probably be broken up by
locomotives working from the west and east ends of the yard
a. First cut--west end. A glance at the track check shows that
the first cut will be made from the west end of the yard.
locomotive is coupled to the first BO car at the extreme west end of
track 5; the last car of the 28-car cut is an OW. Cuts will be made
from the rear end of the draft and will be switched to the west end
of the track designated. A check of figure 2.3 shows that the last 3
cars in the cut, 2 OW's and 1 CP, are listed to track 16. Cut them
off the right side of your strip and place them on the west end of
track 16 alongside the 14 CP and 12 OW (mixed). Continue