c. Using
considerable protection from radiation because of its construction.
bottoms, sides, and tops of wooden railway cars. If this material is
not on hand, a good field expedient such as sandbags can be used to
cover the floors and sides of equipment.
The thickness of one
sandbag generally reduces the radiation count by one-third. By using
both steel plates and sandbags, radiation can be reduced to a
permissible level where personnel would normally receive lethal doses
No railroad runs by itself.
A safe and efficient operation
be completely understood by all personnel involved in the operation.
(positive and permissive), train order, and timetable.
Only one
method is in effect at any one time on any one section of railroad
except in a very stable operation when a combination of train order
and timetable methods may be used for greater flexibility.
Train control is a function of headquarters and headquarters
company of the transportation railway battalion. The tools for this
job contain the authority to move trains over a division of railroad;
control of these movements is the responsibility of the dispatchers.
Two very important tools are the timetable and the train order.
The timetable is the operating authority for the movement of
regular trains subject to the rules, and all operating personnel must
carry it while on duty.
It establishes train superiority by class
and direction. Timetable schedules are not in effect until the train
leaving time at the initial station, and, unless fulfilled, remain in
effect for 12 hours after the scheduled train time at each station.
The train order is the authority for the movement of extra
trains, and it can also change the established superiority of any
It confers train superiority by right, and it is in effect
until fulfilled, superseded, or annulled.
When a train is stopped at a train order station, a Clearance
Form "A" must be issued to the crew authorizing them to depart that
This form insures that the crew of the train has all the
instructions affecting the train throughout its journey unless it
receives another train order.
It also authorizes the train to