Part Overview, Continued
The reference used in the development of Part A was DoD 4200.32-R, Military
Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP),
with Change
6, dated May 1995.
Issuing Tracer Action
Material movements in the Defense Transportation System (DTS) are managed on
the basis of essential control information through key control points. Trace
documents then serve the purpose of providing essential control data to units and
activities. To provide sound fiscal management and ensure readiness, a requester
must be able to find out the status of his request. A transportation officer assigned
to a movement control center (MCC) is responsible not only for directing and
expediting tracing actions but also for verifying the justification for the action.
Tracing is the procedure for locating a shipment en route or for confirming the
forwarding or delivery of cargo. The procedures allow the requester to go from
the supply pipeline directly to the transportation pipeline to determine the status
of a shipment.
Tracers are documented using either electronic data records or electrically
transmitted messages (ETM). The format for the ETM is essentially the same
format as the automated record. The format can be found in MILSTAMP DOD
4500.32-R. The ETM will be sent by "PRIORITY" precedence and the same
precedence will be used throughout the entire processing cycle.
Continued on next page