Using the following key, mark your reaction to each of the statements.
A. The underscored statement is true, and the reason for it or the result of it is true.
B. The underscored statement is true, but the reason or result is false.
C. The underscored statement is false.
21. If both tie renewal and rail re-lay are programmed, the tie renewal should follow the rail re-
lay, because this sequence gives the ties a longer life span.
22. Final track surfacing should be completed in the summer months because heavy autumn
rains usually prevent such track work.
23. Spring is the best season in which to remove shims from heaved track because it is the
period in which the greatest track-work activity is scheduled.
24. The quality of a railway subdivision's maintenance can be likened to the old saying, "A
chain is only as strong as its weakest link," because the degree of quality attained can only
be as good as the poorest stretch of track in the subdivision.