Figure 4.6. Rail-Mounted Mowing Machine Towed by Railway Motor Car.
and increase the difficulty of loading freight cars. Snow and ice often freeze or block switch points, preventing
their movement and virtually stopping train movement by tying up terminals. To provide dependable
transportation, railroads must prevent these conditions. That's why a large percentage of the winter work hours in
cold climates is spent in preventing or solving snow and ice problems. Paragraphs 4.15 through 4.21 discuss the
methods and equipment used and the work involved in keeping railroads operating under such conditions.
The cardinal rule in snowplowing is to start early and keep plowing--the only
way lines can be kept open in heavy snowfalls. Snow plows are generally used to
remove large quantities of snow from lung stretches of track. They may be of several
types, each of which has a particular purpose.