to determine compliance or noncompliance with Federal Railway Administration
(FRA), Department of Transportation (DOT), regulations. It also shows the
maintenance and repairs needed to comply with FRA, DOT regulations.
dual-purpose form (30-day and annual) is used to record and report the
conditions and maintenance requirements resulting from the daily inspections
(par. 2.24). Also, the annual report is to be completed after each depot
Items on the 30-day report are to be recorded by qualified
The annual report is to be prepared in
triplicate by qualified DS, GS, or depot level personnel.
The inspector
signs the form. The officer in charge countersigns it. "Condition" is to
be shown as "good", "fair", or "bad". When 'bad" is used, it indicates that
the part or parts are not in a safe or suitable condition or are in
violation of regulations.
The inspection and maintenance of Army equipment locomotives require
that certain forms and records must be completed. Among other things, they
are used to record both scheduled and performed preventive maintenance, load
tests, equipment faults, and criteria tests and checks; to request direct or
general support maintenance; to record the accomplishment of a maintenance
work order; to submit an equipment improvement recommendation; and to
collect maintenance data.
The forms used for inspection and maintenance of diesel-electric
or Monthly Log, DA Form 2408-1; Equipment Modification Record, DA Form 2408-
5; Daily Inspection Worksheet for Diesel Electric Locomotives, DD Form 862;
and Air Brake Inspection Report for Locomotives and Locomotive Cranes, DA
Form 4171-R.
modifications to locomotives and to record them when accomplished. The DA
record daily and monthly usage and maintenance of a locomotive and its
requirements for and application of all authorized modifications.
The DD
Form 862 is used in the daily inspection and maintenance of the locomotive
and the DA Form 4171-R for recording the condition of the locomotive's air
brake equipment and the maintenance performed to bring it up to Federal
Railway Administration standards.