The transportation railway service (TRS) is responsible for
operating and maintaining railroads in a theater of operations. It
uses rail lines, rail equipment, and rail facilities that exist
already in the theater; the only construction materials and rail
equipment brought into the theater are those needed to support
military activities.
Because of the large potential carrying capacity of trains, the
rail system in a theater should begin operations as soon as possible
after the theater is established. This isn't as simple as it sounds.
Railroading is a complex business that requires careful planning
particularly military railroading in wartorn areas. Who does the
planning? What information is needed? Where does the information come
from? These questions are answered in this chapter. The discussion
begins with the planning that takes place long before military forces
enter a theater of operations.
The transportation railway service has a major part in
preinvasion planning for logistical support in a theater where
railroads are a major means of transportation. Taking place within
the zone of interior (ZI), the rail planning begins long before the
date set for invasion. The plan made is necessarily a broad one, and
it is based upon any and all intelligence data on hand. However, as
more information becomes available or when any changes in the rail
system in the theater are made, the plan is modified. The purpose of
preinvasion rail planning is to provide general estimates of the
potential movements capability of a particular railway system in a
given theater.
Once the invasion begins or perhaps even before it begins, the
entire picture of the railway system starts to change. The
preliminary bombardment, both aerial and surface, causes considerable
damage to railroads in the area. Also, as enemy forces retreat they