TM 5-628/AFR 91-44
(a) Open case.
10-5. Crossing protection.
(b) Turn on signal with switch.
a. Signs and signals. During routine track in-
(c) Make sure signal is working
spections the inspector should observe the condi-
properly and all bulbs are burning.
tion of all whistle posts, highway warning signs,
(d) Check to make sure lenses are clean.
and signals. Signs and signals should be easily leg-
Clean lenses if needed.
ible and clearly visible.
(e) Check power source for obvious
(1) Signs and signals shall confirm to the re-
quirements of the Manual On Uniform Traffic
(f) Check charge on standby batteries.
Control Devices (MUTCD), part VIII, "Traffic
(g) Note date, time condition (ok,
Control Systems for Railroad-Highway Grade
existing problem, repaired, etc), and inspectors
initials in a small note book that is to be kept in the
b. Electric/electromechanical
signal case.
Inspection and maintenance of electric and/or
(3) At least once per quarter a detailed
electromechanical signals should conform to
inspection of the signal shall be performed. The
manufacturer*s recommendations, state/local
detailed inspection shall include all of the
requirements, and the minimum requirements given
requirements of 10-5b(2) plus the following:
(a) Check all rail bonds.
(1) Inspection of electric/electromechanical
(b) Check all connections.
signals shall be performed at the same frequency as
track inspections (para 2-2.a.); however, inspec-
tions of signals shall be performed not less than
c. Any deficiency or defect in road crossing
once per quarter (at approximately 3-month inter-
warning signs or signals shall be repaired immedi-
(2) Minimum inspection procedures for
electric/electromechanical signals are as follows: