TI 850-02
AFMAN 32-1125(I)
1 MARCH 2000
a. To determine general suitability for mission requirements, an operational evaluation will be performed
on track and facilities. This evaluation should begin with a check of track and facility capability as well as
basic geometric requirements, including:
(1) Number of loading and service tracks, along with usable car capacity of each.
(2) Car capacity of storage, yard, and auxiliary tracks.
(3) Clearances.
(4) Loading ramp height, width, and ramp angle.
(5) Size of parking and staging areas.
(6) Size of storage buildings in terminal areas.
(8) Maximum track curvature.
(9) Minimum turnout size.
(10) Protection and visibility at road crossings.
b. For terminals, the adequacy of lighting, service roads, and security features should be evaluated.
c. For all track and facilities, adequacy of drainage should be checked.
d. Previous derailment sites and chronic problem areas should be included in the evaluation.
a. Purpose and Content. The rehabilitation plan is used, in part, to justify the need for the
recommended work. Thus, it should demonstrate a thoughtful analysis of the existing facilities combined
with a clear understanding of mission requirements. The plan should include:
(1) Statement of installation (mission) requirements.
(2) Description of track and facilities and their current condition.
(3) Statement of deficiencies, based on condition, structural, and operational evaluations.