TI 850-02
AFMAN 32-1125(I)
1 MARCH 2000
a. Establishing Crossing Requirements.
(1) The need for a new crossing and its appropriate location will be checked with the installation
master plan. As road crossings increase maintenance costs and safety risk, their number should be held
to a minimum.
(2) A study should be conducted to assess traffic and site conditions for a newly planned crossing or
one intended for upgrading or rehabilitation. This study should include:
(a) Amount and character of vehicle and train traffic.
(b) Train and vehicle operating speeds.
(c) Crossing angle and horizontal and vertical approaches of road and track.
(d) Available sight distances, from all directions, for vehicles approaching the track and from trains
approaching the crossing.
(e) Previous accident or incident history.
These findings will help establish crossing and protection design requirements.
b. Design Steps.
(1) The main steps in designing a road crossing are:
(a) Determining the geometric layout.
(b) Selecting the crossing surface and flangeway design.
(d) Designing the track section.
(e) Determining the appropriate crossing protection.